Control Panel and Operating Software
All movements of the transporter, job specific modules and reels are operated from two analog 6- axis joysticks. The ID-RIS operating firmware runs from a Touch Screen computer and displays live video and system data, but also features control buttons for the high pressure unit and other system components.
CP3D Control Panel
The CP3D control panel features 2 analog 6-axis joysticks that are easily set to operators preference to control all movements of the transporter, equipment modules and reels.
ID-RIS Operating Firmware
The ID-RIS operating firmware runs from a wide screen Touch computer and displays live video and system data, such as clock position, pitch, roll, footage, temperature and water pressure. The operating software also features buttons to operate the high pressure unit, adjust water pressure, LED intensity and driving and rotation speeds. The software allows photo- and video capturing and is compatible with NASSCO PACP licensed WinCan and POSM software.
Contact ID-tec or your local distributor for more information!
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