Sewer Cleaning and Video Recording

Sewer Cleaning and Video Recording

Video Nozzle

The C70 Video Nozzle captures HD video while cleaning 6” – 28” (150-700mm) pipelines and features 7 exchangeable jet inserts for pipe cleaning, an HD camera module with auto-upright picture, Wi-Fi and 7 pressure-switched high-power LED's.

This completely self-sufficient system is battery-powered, stores the video recordings on a SD-card in the nozzle, which can be downloaded to the included tablet via integrated Wi-Fi, as soon as the nozzle is within Wi-Fi reception off the tablet. The operator then may instantly review the video to determine the cleanliness of the line, or use custom software (optional) to assess the pipe condition before moving on to the next job.

C70 Video Jetting Nozzle:

  • Auto Upright HD Camera
  • Integrated Wi-Fi and User Friendly Software
  • Over 8 Hours Battery Runtime
  • 7 Jet Cleaning Capability


Video Nozzle Compilation

Observation(s): cracks, protruding laterals, roots, grease, calcium and infiltration.
Pipe Diameter: 8" (200mm) and up
Pipe Material: Coated VCP, Lined VCP, PVC, Cement and Concrete
Used ID-tec Equipment: C70 Video Nozzle, 8" skid (200mm)

Post Calcium Removal Cleaning

Observation(s): Calcium build-up, Calcium Obstacles
Pipe Diameter: 8" (200mm)
Pipe Material: Coated VCP
Used ID-tec Equipment: C70 Video Nozzle, 8" skid (200mm)


Sewer Main Line Cleaning with Offsets, Infiltration and Mineral deposits

Observation(s): Off-sets, Infiltration, Mineral deposits build-up
Pipe Diameter: 8" (200mm)
Pipe Material: PVC, Concrete, Vitrified Clay (VCP)
Used ID-tec Equipment: C70 Video Nozzle, 8" skid (200mm)

Roots, Intruding Tap, Liner Wrinkle

Observation(s): Roots from Connection, Intruding Tap, Liner Wrinkle 
Pipe Diameter: 8" (200mm)
Pipe Material: Lined Vitrified Clay (VCP)
Used ID-tec Equipment: C70 Video Nozzle, 8" skid (200mm)

Jetting Uphill finding Roots

Observation(s): Cracked Pipe, Roots from Service Lateral Connections and Off-sets
Pipe Diameter: 8" (200mm)
Pipe Material: Vitrified Clay (VCP)
Used ID-tec Equipment: C70 Video Nozzle, 8" skid (200mm)


Contact ID-tec or your local distributor for more information!