Concreteberg in London Sewer
26 april 2019
A "record-busting" industrial amount of solidified concrete was found under the streets of London. The 100m (330ft) long blockage weighs 105 tons. A difficult, time consuming and costly operation without the right tools!
Our recommendation? Using our powerful water jetting robot to cut the concrete blockage into smaller pieces, which are then jetted to the manhole and taken out.
By using an adjustable pressure between 1000 and 2500bar (14,000 and 32,000psi), depending on the hardness of the blockage, the robot cuts through the blockage quickly and precisely! Real-time view of the job, continuous adjustment of pressure, angle of attack and distance to material enable the operator to achieve the breakdown and elimination of various obstructions without adding damage to the pipe structure.
For more information on the water jet cleaning robot's capabilities and prices contact
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